Together They Translate
Documents need to be translated on any number of topics. Some of these require a certain expertise on the part of the translator, though not all.
Based on our expertise, we mainly translate poetry and, more generally, literature. For poetry translations, we always work together because of the high level of knowledge required in both languages.
“Writers make national literature, while translators make universal literature.”
Nathalie Léger, Sobre Barbara Loden, Chai Editora.
Original: Supplément à la vie de Barbara Loden.
Género: Narrative.
En elDiario Ar por Tamara Tenembaum.
Revista Otra Parte por Manuel Álvarez.
Diario La Nación por Mariano Vespa.
Diario Noticias-Perfil por Adriana Lorusso.
En La Voz por Demian Orosz.
En Vidas prestadas por Hinde Pomeraniec.
En el diletante por Juan F. Comperatore.
Entrevista en el diario La Nación de Daniel Gigena a la autora.
En Revista Ñ por Matías Serra Bradford
Diario Perfil por Quintín
Valérie Rouzeau, No verte más (Cold Spring in Winter), Barba de abejas, May 2019.
Original: Pas revoir, La Table ronde, 2007.
Genre: Poetry
María Claudia Milano, Trois fois Marie (Marie times three), 2016.
Original: María por tres. The play was staged in 2018 and showed in several cities of Argentina (Mendoza, Rosario and Morón, among others).
Genre: Theater
Anna Freixas Farré, Si fraîches: les nouvelles femmes âgées du XXIe siècle (So fresh: the new older women of the 21st century) Enrick B. éditions, Paris, 2015.
Original: Tan frescas: las nuevas mujeres mayores del siglo XXI, Paidós, 2013.
Genre: Sociology and psychoanalysis
Diana Bellessi, Tenir ce qui se tient (Having what one has), La Rumeur libre éditions, 2014.
Original: Tener lo que se tiene, Adriana Hidalgo editora, 2009. Diana Bellessi was invited to attend the Paris book fair that same year.
Genre: Poetry
Gilda Sabsay-Foks, Prométhée brûle encore (Prometheus still burns), La Rumeur libre éditions, March 2014.
Original: Prometeo sigue ardiendo, editorial Antigua , 2013.
Genre: History of psychoanalysis
Translation of articles by scholars such as Eduardo Chávez Molina, Jérôme Denis and David Pontille, and Pablo Alabarces for publication in academic journals, and translations for the journal Sens Public.
Genre: Sociology
Technical translations cover a wide range of topics including social areas (gender, educational needs, the environment, etc.), sports for the ITF, automobile sector, programming, websites, documentary films, legal texts (contracts), and reports by international development agencies (ILO, UN, World Bank, etc.), among others.
We work with the following computer software: Windows XP , CAT Tools (SDL Trados 2011, Memsource, smartCAT), the grammar and spell check program Antidote, Internet (Firefox, Explorer, Safari), Microsoft Office Suite, Open Office Suite, iWork Suite and Adobe, among others.