Horacio Maez
Reading Notes
About Héroe Límite by Ghérasim Luca (Años Luz editora, 2022) for EL DILETANTE magazine. Here.
About Arrebato del día, fin de la noche by Sebastián Realini (HD ediciones, 2022) for EL DILETANTE magazine. Here.
About El tercer cuerpo by Hélène Cixous (Interzona editora, 2022) for EL DILETANTE magazine. Here.
About El olor a cloro by Irma Pelatan (Gog & Magog, 2022) for EL DILETANTE magazine. Here.
About Barro by Natalia Rodríguez Simón (Mardulce, 2022) for EL DILETANTE magazine. Here.
About Botánica Sentimental by Mercedes Araujo (Lumen, 2022) for EL DILETANTE magazine. Here.
About Bocetos de natación by Leanne Shapton (blatt & ríos, 2022) for EL DILETANTE magazine. Here.
About Trece pintores lectores by Matías Serra Bradford (Ripio, 2022) for EL DILETANTE magazine. Here.
About Nadar bajo tierra by Diego Muzzio (Salta el pez, 2023) for EL DILETANTE magazine. Here.
Chronicle of my participation in the Cantera de traductores 2023 organized by alitral (Alianza Iberoamericana para la Promoción de la Traducción Literaria) published by VASOS COMUNICANTES, the magazine of ACE traductores de España.. Here.
Interview with the Argentinean poet Diana Bellessi for EL DILETANTE magazine. Here.
About Vírgula by Sasja Janssen (Serapis, 2023) for EL DILETANTE magazine. Here.
About Yo era un cuadro by Horacio Zabaljáuregui (Bajo la Luna, 2023) for EL DILETANTE magazine. Here.
About Bestia by Irene Solà (La Bella Varsovia, 2023) for EL DILETANTE magazine. Here.
About A mi lugar by Lieke Marsman (Kintsugi Editora, 2023) for EL DILETANTE magazine. Here.
About Un millón de veranos by Teresa Arijón (Miño y Dávila, 2023) for EL DILETANTE magazine. Here.
About Peligra lo desea by Gustavo Makrucz (El jardín de las delicias, 2024) for EL DILETANTE magazine. Here.
About Cuando todos se vayan by Jorge Teillier (Universidad de Valparaiso - Chile, 2023) for EL DILETANTE magazine. Here.
Column about my participation in the translation workshop of Romansh poetry into Spanish organized by the Looren Foundation of Switzerland, and published by the CALIDOSCOPIO magazine (#72) of the Argentine Association of Translators and Interpreters (AATI). Here.
About Tanu by Laura Forchetti (Bajo la Luna, 2024) for EL DILETANTE magazine. Here.
On the anthologies Voces equidistantes and Voces periféricas which bring together trans-territorial Hispanic-American poets (Equidistancias, 2022 and 2024) for LATIN AMERICAN LITERATURE TODAY magazine. Here.
About Los porqués de la rosa by Allejandro Crotto (Mardulce, 2024) for EL DILETANTE magazine. Here.
About Ética para infractores by Camilo Bogoya (Ediciones dyskolo, 2024) for LETRALIA. Tierra de letras magazine. Here.
About El rayo by Lydie Dattas (Mardulce, 2024) for EL DILETANTE magazine. Here.
I prepare reading reports, for publishers and authors, in Spanish and French of manuscripts and books published in French, Italian and Spanish. Mainly literature, essays and human sciences. And of course my great passion, poetry.
The aim is to provide an overview that takes into account the publishing field to which the work is addressed in order to know which are the most appropriate publishers to submit a manuscript or a translation.
You can visit the blog entries which, although they are not reading reports, can give you an idea of the work and type of writing I propose.
Spelling and stylistic correction of Spanish texts