On Speaking and Words
“Language is a skin... [that] trembles with desire.”
It all started when we decided to combine two passions we both share: poetry and translation.
For a time, Horacio was dedicated to his poetry but yearned to translate. Meanwhile, Nathalie worked as a translator and interpreter, dreaming of translating novels and especially poetry… And that’s how Aviceversa was born!
The idea took shape when Horacio and Natalia read the complete works of Argentine poet Diana Bellessi, released by the Adriana Hidalgo publishing house in 2009. Both loved the book and a question one of them posed—“Why not translate the book into French?”—was all it took to get the project up and running. The idea of working as a team came naturally because poetry pushes language to its limits, thus requiring a great variety of registers. As a result, it proved much more enriching to have four hands on deck.
And that’s how it started. Horacio continues writing, Nathalie interpreting...and together, they translate!